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opportunities to serve


Our members and friends share their gifts in countless ways in the community. What follows are just a few of the ways we invite your participation in sharing the love of God with others! Wherever you live, work rest or play, be the church of Christ!


Care Home Worship: Our Savior's currently provides worship services at Parkside Extendicare, Regina Lutheran Home, Santa Maria Care Home, Sunset Extendicare and William Albert House. Musicians and worship assistants are appreciated!


Choir: Choir rehearsals take place every Wednesday evening at 7PM September through May. The choir shares their gift Sunday morning, helping to lead the congregation in the worship of God through song. Bring your trained (or not-so-trained) voice, participate as you're able! 


Financial Giving: Each Sunday offering is graciously received.  People are also able to support the work of the church through e-Transfers or PAR (monthly pre-authorized remittance gifts that you can arrange for at our church office). From these gifts our church pays staff salaries, maintains our church building and gives significant gifts to ministries at home and abroad. We thank you for these gifts and we work very hard that they be used carefully and well to the glory of God!


Funeral Serving Group: Volunteers are organized to serve those who mourn the loss of a loved one. The group provides for a time of food and fellowship after the funeral service.


ICF Breakfast: We serve and enjoy breakfast every third Saturday of the month with the community of Indigenous Christian Fellowship of Regina, 3131 Dewdney Avenue.


Ministry Teams/Committees of the Church: Ministry team/Committee work offers an opportunity to serve in a wide variety of ways: planning and facilitating worship, educational programming, fellowship events, enhancing the appearance and the function of the church building, working for social justice in our community and beyond!


Mitten Tree: Every fall and winter season, we collect store-bought and hand-made toques, scarves and warm hand wear to help folks get through the cold days! These items are donated to inner-city schools and agencies.


Prayer Shawls: We receive donations of yarn in all colours! Our knitting volunteers create fabulous prayer shawls that are packaged and ready to gift to anyone needing comfort and prayer for any situation. The shawls are free to gift. Donations are not expected but are welcome, and go to continue support the prayer shawl project. 


Quilting Group: A group of interested members and friends meet each week on Tuesday mornings to put together quilts and baby bundles that are forwarded to transition houses in our city and wherever the needs seems to be. September - May.


Regina Lutheran Refugee Committee: Along with other ELCIC congregations in Regina and area, Our Savior's works to share in the financial costs and in the practical work of refugee sponsorship through Canadian Lutheran World Relief, to help as many refugees as possible to resettle in Canada.


Special Event Volunteers: We are grateful for all the volunteers who make our special events extra special! Many of these functions are fundraisers for local charities. Examples include Chili & Carols, Pie Social, Gospel Night, Music Concerts and more!


Sunday Worship Volunteers: We thank those who enhance our worship through their time and talents! Every Sunday worship gathering is enhanced by members who pitch in to help with the beautification and décor of our sanctuary though altar guild and flowers, as friendly and welcoming greeters & ushers, as communion servers, sharing special musical performances, as part of the order of worship as liturgists and scripture readers, running basic audio-visual tech from our choir loft, and preparing coffee & refreshments for after worship! To get involved or to learn more please contact the church office.

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