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a greening congregation


Our congregation is committed to caring for the gift of God's creation!

​January Green Note 


If you're looking for ways to engage kids in fun activities during the winter months, and all year round for that matter, I found a really cool app called Earthrangers. It's user-friendly and easily down-loadable (if I can do it, anyone can) and is geared towards teaching children about their environment and the roles and responsibilities that go along with being good stewards of our Earth!


It is free but I did have to create an account with username and password-again fairly easy to do even for us big kids😉! There's lots to navigate on this website and I only scratched the surface. 


This app can be found in the Play Store. I hope you find it educational and helpful!


Oh and another way to help fill the winter months is puzzling! Check out these new additions to our very own OSL puzzle library found in the Fireside room! And feel free to pass them along to a Friend or Neighbor! Enjoy🧩🧩 



Barbara Jones 

stewards of creation elcic
Basket of Organic Vegetables_edited
Holding Plant
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